The temperature and humidity control cabinets are one of the most common Test chambers used in different industries and various sectors. They maintain the optimum conditions of temperature and relative humidity within the chamber, allowing testing of cells and tissues, microorganisms and electronic devices. They find utmost importance in industries and research organizations dealing with sensitive products and experimental studies involving enzymes, cell and tissue culture and growth curves. These chambers are self-contained and insulated from the outside atmosphere to prevent any chances of contamination and to maintain the desired levels of humidity and warmth.
The temperature and humidity control cabinets use microprocessors and digital controls and can be programmed to study the combined effects of temperature and humidity on the test sample. The chamber and its components are primed and painted with rust proof paint to keep them free from corrosion. However, with the humidity chambers, a water source supplying treated water to the chamber is an important prerequisite. You also need to make provisions for drainage of condensed water outside the chamber. Most of these temperature and humidity control cabinets offer the optional use of CFC free insulation such as HFC refrigerant, which is environment and ozone friendly.
These test chambers are available in different shapes and sizes to suit the requirements of different industries and available space. Some industries might prefer smaller units that can be used as bench tops, whereas others may prefer large walk-in chambers. The designing of the test chamber is in accordance with its function and most of them are computer programmed or web-enabled to allow duplication of the test conditions for more accurate results and confirmatory tests for more reliable conclusions. The test chambers are complete with internal lighting and control knobs and the more advanced and sophisticated versions may also use digital analogs with LCD display. The equipment is available in pleasant designs that emphasize safety as well as functionality. The design may also include an array of safety features such as safety cut offs for high temperature, low water level and electrical overload. They are also equipped with audio and visual alarm systems to detect any fluctuations in the set parameters and power or system failure.