Everything You Need To Know About Tattoo Aftercare But Forgot To Ask


Anyone who has a tattoo will tell you that there is nothing like being able to show-off some fresh custom ink to friends and family. What they won’t tell you, though, is that there is a lot to know about tattoo aftercare they probably ignored. In fact, look through most social media postings of folks showing off their latest additions of ink, and you will rarely find anyone mentioning the process by which they go through to keep their tattoo clean. The problem with this is that if proper aftercare is not followed, having a funky tattoo will be the least of your worries seoul tattoo.

Now, to be fair, no one who is excited about anything wants to hear about things that feel like a buzzkill. In truth, tattoo aftercare feels like this most of the time. It also doesn’t help that there are a number of artists out there who treat aftercare instructions as a waste of time and a nuisance. This cavalier attitude on their part is parroted by their client, and the end result can be as simple as a tattoo that doesn’t heal well & needs serious touch-ups to a very serious infections that requires medical attention.

Let’s say this is your first tattoo, and even though you’ve scoped out great studios near you, you may have neglected to ask about how much work it takes to take care of a fresh tattoo. Well, the first thing you want to do is go back to each studio & ask. Why? Well, their answers will actually reveal a lot about what they think regarding tattoo aftercare & will help you try to determine whether a certain studio may be the right fit for you.

First things first, EVERY studio you ask about aftercare should mention that Rule #1 is to make sure you wash your hands thoroughly! This is without question the most important step in the process because if you are operating with dirty hands, things can go south quickly.

Next, ask for a breakdown of a washing process from your artist. If you look at the instructions offered by most tattoo studios, there will be slight differences regarding things like temperature of water and types of soap. You’ll want to talk this process & these details out with your artist so that you’re both on the same page from the very beginning.

It’s important to understand that healing time for a tattoo will vary quite a bit based on a number of factors. This means you can’t just go out & start doing everything you want “just because” or to show-o