OK, allow us to evaluation some fundamentals.
First, there are two kinds of tanks or cylinders.
DOT (Dept. of Transportation)
Dept. of Transportation container is the one most of us are acquainted with. They’re
Vertical in fashion and are known as DOT cylinders.
– used totally on fold down campers, truck campers, journey trailers,
and fifth wheels.
– could be faraway from the leisure automobile
– normally used within the vertical place, BUT not all the time. Some could also be used
within the horizontal place however every cylinder MUST be used within the method for
which it was designed. (they’re normally marked for the place through which they need to be used)
Pre l998 cylinders with out OPD units might be used each methods each this doesn’t apply
right this moment as OPD, units are required on ALL cylinders.ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
-manufactured to the code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers